Rishabh Jain
12 min readJan 9, 2021


Bonjour! tech guys here comes an awesome blog on the introduction, industry use cases and importance of Kubernetes in the today’s world. It is also known as K8s and in my opinion is a wonderful concept and tool in today’s scenario and hope same that after this blog ends you will be agreeing with me and also will be gathering and grasping a lot o knowledge from this blog.

So, let’s start!!

Kubernetes (aka K8s) isn’t a single piece of computing software or a coding language. Rather, it can be more aptly described as a system with a specific server architecture in mind and an extensive collection of software built around it for that purpose.

It is moreover a container management system which actually controls and automates the Docker Engine. It is also scalable which means that in it as many containers can be launched at the time of requirement and also can be terminated when the requirement is fulfilled. All the process can be done so dynamically and seamlessly and without any downtime in the server. The client will never have a feel of any changes behind the scene which again enhances its beauty of its functionality.


  • Service discovery and load balancing => Kubernetes can expose a container using the DNS name or using their own IP address. If traffic to a container is high, Kubernetes is able to load balance and distribute the network traffic so that the deployment is stable.
  • Storage orchestration=> Kubernetes allows you to automatically mount a storage system of your choice, such as local storages, public cloud providers, and more.
  • Automated rollouts and rollbacks => You can describe the desired state for your deployed containers using Kubernetes, and it can change the actual state to the desired state at a controlled rate. For example, you can automate Kubernetes to create new containers for your deployment, remove existing containers and adopt all their resources to the new container.
  • Automatic bin packing => You provide Kubernetes with a cluster of nodes that it can use to run containerized tasks. You tell Kubernetes how much CPU and memory (RAM) each container needs. Kubernetes can fit containers onto your nodes to make the best use of your resources.
  • Self-healing => Kubernetes restarts containers that fail, replaces containers, kills containers that don’t respond to your user-defined health check, and doesn’t advertise them to clients until they are ready to serve.
  • Secret and configuration management => Kubernetes lets you store and manage sensitive information, such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and SSH keys. You can deploy and update secrets and application configuration without rebuilding your container images, and without exposing secrets in your stack configuration.


A Kubernetes cluster consists of a set of worker machines, called nodes, that run containerized applications. Every cluster has at least one worker node. The worker node or nodes host the Pods that are the components of the application workload. The control plane manages the worker nodes and the Pods in the cluster. In production environments, the control plane usually runs across multiple computers and a cluster usually runs multiple nodes, providing fault-tolerance and high availability.


The API server is a component of the Kubernetes control plane that exposes the Kubernetes API. The API server is the front end for the Kubernetes control plane.

The main implementation of a Kubernetes API server is kube-apiserver. kube-apiserver is designed to scale horizontally — that is, it scales by deploying more instances. You can run several instances of kube-apiserver and balance traffic between those instances.


Consistent and highly-available key value store used as Kubernetes’ backing store for all cluster data.

If your Kubernetes cluster uses etcd as its backing store, make sure you have a back up plan for those data.

You can find in-depth information about etcd in the official documentation.


Control plane component that watches for newly created Pods with no assigned node, and selects a node for them to run on.

Factors taken into account for scheduling decisions include: individual and collective resource requirements, hardware/software/policy constraints, affinity and anti-affinity specifications, data locality, inter-workload interference, and deadlines.


Control Plane component that runs controller processes.

Logically, each controller is a separate process, but to reduce complexity, they are all compiled into a single binary and run in a single process.

These controllers include:

  • Node controller: Responsible for noticing and responding when nodes go down.
  • Replication controller: Responsible for maintaining the correct number of pods for every replication controller object in the system.
  • Endpoints controller: Populates the Endpoints object (that is, joins Services & Pods).
  • Service Account & Token controllers: Create default accounts and API access tokens for new namespaces.


A Kubernetes control plane component that embeds cloud-specific control logic. The cloud controller manager lets you link your cluster into your cloud provider’s API, and separates out the components that interact with that cloud platform from components that just interact with your cluster.

The cloud-controller-manager only runs controllers that are specific to your cloud provider. If you are running Kubernetes on your own premises, or in a learning environment inside your own PC, the cluster does not have a cloud controller manager.

As with the kube-controller-manager, the cloud-controller-manager combines several logically independent control loops into a single binary that you run as a single process. You can scale horizontally (run more than one copy) to improve performance or to help tolerate failures.

The following controllers can have cloud provider dependencies:

  • Node controller: For checking the cloud provider to determine if a node has been deleted in the cloud after it stops responding
  • Route controller: For setting up routes in the underlying cloud infrastructure
  • Service controller: For creating, updating and deleting cloud provider load balancers


Dashboard is a web-based Kubernetes user interface. You can use Dashboard to deploy containerized applications to a Kubernetes cluster, troubleshoot your containerized application, and manage the cluster resources. You can use Dashboard to get an overview of applications running on your cluster, as well as for creating or modifying individual Kubernetes resources (such as Deployments, Jobs, DaemonSets, etc). For example, you can scale a Deployment, initiate a rolling update, restart a pod or deploy new applications using a deploy wizard. It is a general purpose, web-based UI for Kubernetes clusters. It allows users to manage and troubleshoot applications running in the cluster, as well as the cluster itself.


The kubelet is responsible for maintaining a set of pods, which are composed of one or more containers, on a local system. Within a Kubernetes cluster, the kubelet functions as a local agent that watches for pod specs via the Kubernetes API server. An agent that runs on each node in the cluster. It makes sure that containers are running in a Pod. The kubelet takes a set of PodSpecs that are provided through various mechanisms and ensures that the containers described in those PodSpecs are running and healthy. The kubelet doesn’t manage containers which were not created by Kubernetes.



Pods are the smallest, most basic deployable objects in Kubernetes. A Pod represents a single instance of a running process in your cluster. Pods contain one or more containers, such as Docker containers. When a Pod runs multiple containers, the containers are managed as a single entity and share the Pod’s resources.

Pods run on nodes in your cluster. Once created, a Pod remains on its node until its process is complete, the Pod is deleted, the Pod is evicted from the node due to lack of resources, or the node fails. If a node fails, Pods on the node are automatically scheduled for deletion.

Pods also contain shared networking and storage resources for their containers:

  • Network: Pods are automatically assigned unique IP addresses. Pod containers share the same network namespace, including IP address and network ports. Containers in a Pod communicate with each other inside the Pod on localhost.
  • Storage: Pods can specify a set of shared storage volumes that can be shared among the containers.


Deployments represent a set of multiple, identical Pods with no unique identities. A Deployment runs multiple replicas of your application and automatically replaces any instances that fail or become unresponsive. In this way, Deployments help ensure that one or more instances of your application are available to serve user requests. Deployments are managed by the Kubernetes Deployment controller.

Once created, the Deployment ensures that the desired number of Pods are running and available at all times. The Deployment automatically replaces Pods that fail or are evicted from their nodes.


A Replica Set ensures how many replica of pod should be running. It can be considered as a replacement of replication controller. The key difference between the replica set and the replication controller is, the replication controller only supports equality-based selector whereas the replica set supports set-based selector.

A Replica Set is defined with fields, including a selector that specifies how to identify Pods it can acquire, a number of replicas indicating how many Pods it should be maintaining, and a pod template specifying the data of new Pods it should create to meet the number of replicas criteria. A Replica Set then fulfills its purpose by creating and deleting Pods as needed to reach the desired number.


A Replication Controller ensures that a specified number of pod replicas are running at any one time. In other words, a Replication Controller makes sure that a pod or a homogeneous set of pods is always up and available.

If there are too many pods, the Replication Controller terminates the extra pods. If there are too few, the Replication Controller starts more pods. Unlike manually created pods, the pods maintained by a Replication Controller are automatically replaced if they fail, are deleted, or are terminated. A Replication Controller is similar to a process supervisor, but instead of supervising individual processes on a single node, the Replication Controller supervises multiple pods across multiple nodes.


A service is a grouping of pods that are running on the cluster. Services are “cheap” and you can have many services within the cluster. Kubernetes services can efficiently power a microservice architecture.

Services provide important features that are standardized across the cluster: load-balancing, service discovery between applications, and features to support zero-downtime application deployments. Each service has a pod label query which defines the pods which will process data for the service. This label query frequently matches pods created by one or more replication controllers. Powerful routing scenarios are possible by updating a service’s label query via the Kubernetes API with deployment software.


1. IBM (International Business Machine)


IBM Cloud offers public, private, and hybrid cloud functionality across a diverse set of runtimes from its OpenWhisk-based function as a service (FaaS) offering, managed Kubernetes and containers, to Cloud Foundry platform as a service (PaaS). These runtimes are combined with the power of the company’s enterprise technologies, such as MQ and DB2, its modern artificial intelligence (AI) Watson, and data analytics services. Users of IBM Cloud can exploit capabilities from more than 170 different cloud native services in its catalog, including capabilities such as IBM’s Weather Company API and data services. In the later part of 2017, the IBM Cloud Container Registry team wanted to build out an image trust service.


IBM’s intention in offering a managed Kubernetes container service and image registry is to provide a fully secure end-to-end platform for its enterprise customers. “Image signing is one key part of that offering, and our container registry team saw Notary as the de facto way to implement that capability in the current Docker and container ecosystem,” Hough says. The company had not been offering image signing before, and Notary is the tool it used to implement that capability.

“We had a multi-tenant Docker Registry with private image hosting,” Hough says. “The Docker Registry uses hashes to ensure that image content is correct, and data is encrypted both in flight and at rest. But it does not provide any guarantees of who pushed an image. We used Notary to enable users to sign images in their private registry namespaces if they so choose.”



Launched in 2008, the audio-streaming platform has grown to over 200 million monthly active users across the world. “Our goal is to empower creators and enable a really immersive listening experience for all of the consumers that we have today — and hopefully the consumers we’ll have in the future,” says Jai Chakrabarti, Director of Engineering, Infrastructure and Operations. An early adopter of microservices and Docker, Spotify had containerized microservices running across its fleet of VMs with a homegrown container orchestration system called Helios. By late 2017, it became clear that “having a small team working on the features was just not as efficient as adopting something that was supported by a much bigger community,” he says.


The team spent much of 2018 addressing the core technology issues required for a migration, which started late that year and is a big focus for 2019.

The biggest service currently running on Kubernetes takes about 10 million requests per second as an aggregate service and benefits greatly from autoscaling, says Site Reliability Engineer James Wen. Plus, he adds,

“Before, teams would have to wait for an hour to create a new service and get an operational host to run it in production, but with Kubernetes, they can do that on the order of seconds and minutes.” In addition, with Kubernetes’s bin-packing and multi-tenancy capabilities, CPU utilization has improved on average two- to threefold.



Nokia’s core business is building telecom networks end-to-end; its main products are related to the infrastructure, such as antennas, switching equipment, and routing equipment. “As telecom vendors, we have to deliver our software to several telecom operators and put the software into their infrastructure, and each of the operators have a bit different infrastructure,” says Gergely Csatari, Senior Open Source Engineer.

“There are operators who are running on bare metal. There are operators who are running on virtual machines. There are operators who are running on VMware Cloud and OpenStack Cloud. We want to run the same product on all of these different infrastructures without changing the product itself.”


Kubernetes has enabled Nokia’s foray into 5G. “When you develop something that is part of the operator’s infrastructure, you have to develop it for the future, and Kubernetes and containers are the forward-looking technologies,” says Csatari.

The teams using Kubernetes are already seeing clear benefits. “By separating the infrastructure and the application layer, we have less dependencies in the system, which means that it’s easier to implement features in the application layer,” says Csatari.

And because teams can test the exact same binary artifact independently of the target execution environment, “we find more errors in early phases of the testing, and we do not need to run the same tests on different target environments, like VMware, OpenStack, or bare metal,” he adds. As a result, “we save several hundred hours in every release.”




Rishabh Jain
Rishabh Jain

Written by Rishabh Jain

I am a tech enthusiast, researcher and an integration seeker. I love to explore and learn about the right technology and right concepts from its foundation.

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